something new and different and daring...

lisa parke, hair colorist, canon 50d

I'm trying something new and different and daring. I am perhaps too humble of a person and that makes me not very fabulous at marketing myself. Recently, there was this serendipitous meeting of minds and souls and it somehow evolved into me working with a beautiful agent (and I mean, she's a beauty inside but damn, she walks in a room and is HOT...lucky me). We are meeting again at a coffee shop next week to discuss the myriad of ways I can share my passion with the world and she has some really fun ideas, connections, artist contacts, etc. People like her are awesome for people like me. ; )

She suggested an online photo contest would be a fun and relaxed way to dip my toes into the waters of self promotion. I would love your support because I feel so nervous about this sort of thing. Out of all of my portraits, my Lovely Agent thought this one of Lisa was unique compared to other entries. Doesn't Lisa look delicious enough to eat? I swear she is this delectable in person. ; )

Vote here...and make my agent happy. My photo will be entered into a few categories and People's Choice is one of them. That is the one you can vote for.

In the meantime, I'll just walk away and blush for a bit.