a note from boho baby*

jen and cedar, canon 50d (click to englarge)

Dear Fairy Godmother ~

I was told in the land of spirit babies, long before I came into the world that I was going to receive a very rare and special gift when I came into my parents life.

That gift was a Fairy Godmother.

There was much talk up there about Fairy Godmothers and how magical they were but none of my spirit friends knew exactly what they looked like. We all imagined they may resemble what many of the stories here describe; Tiny, chubby, flying around with wings and magic wands and perhaps a little older like a Grandma. I tried not to be bummed about the idea of a tiny old lady flying around me all the time telling me what to do. I wanted to be a good sport and appreciate that I even have a Fairy G at all, you know? It's just that...I'm kind of a funky dude and I have a reputation to uphold and what would all my friends think if I hung out with an old lady all day?

I have been here for two months and have been waiting your arrival...not knowing how or when you'd come. Then I saw you for the first time last week walking up the stairs to the loft where I pretended to be sleeping. I peeked through my tiny chubby fingers that were over my eyes and what I saw totally blew me away. So much so, that I had a huge poopie diaper right then and there.

You were gorgeous. Not only gorgeous but super funky and cool. You were tall and modelesque and wore funky hip clothes and jewels. Your eyes filled with tears when you first saw me and then my heart totally came undone. It was love at first sight. My totally beautiful, fun, funny, smart, witty, crazy about me Fairy G was in the house!! I couldn't WAIT to tell my spirit friends in my dream how wrong we all were!!

And that I did. That night, when you told my parents to go to bed so that you could hang out with me all alone, get to know me and bond, I went right to sleep on your chest so that I could meet all my spirit pals in dreamland and brag about how awesome you were. You saw me laughing in my sleep, remember? That was because all of them told me how hot you were. No kidding, man...I'm now the talk of spirit baby land. I'm a rockstar there. Now they all want one!

I miss you already. I miss your smell. I miss your laugh and how you brought so much joy and sunshine into our home. I miss you telling me how adorable I am. I mean, I can't hear that enough. So, don't stop, k?

I loved how I saw a side of my mommy that I hadn't seen yet. Its been just her and me here at home while daddy is at work during the day. I saw how good it was for her to spend time with other people that are much like her. I guess I will start sharing her now because since you've been here, she seems even more filled up.

I know you're in my life for a reason. I know we have a destiny. I know my mommy, daddy and you felt that before I was born. I know I'll learn so much from you and that if anyone hurts me, you'll kick their bootie. I know that there are many videos to be made and songs to be sung and dances to dance together. I know there will be inside jokes and dress ups and wigs and paint. Something tells me that you'll be one of my very best friends. Well, you already are.

Perhaps next time you'll show me those wings you were hiding.

Not only am I the envy of all the dudes in babyland above....but I will be the envy of all the dudes in my schools growing up here. Cuz I've got a hot blond for a Fairy G.

Seriously. You rock the worlds of the Boho Fam.

We love you around these parts.

boho postcards*

set of ten 4 x 5 postcards sold at my shop

I'm so thrilled to begin my new journey with a new space and new and exciting pretties in my shop. For months now I have craved change for my blog both aesthetically and an expression of me that resonates more with who I am today. It has been ages since I have closed my jewelry shop "bohemian girl designs" and widened the path for my photography business "Boho Photography". I thought it was fitting for my blog now to reflect that name, that image, that feel and all the fresh new stuff in my life.

My previous blog will always be there for new readers to refer back to. You can find your way back by clicking the Vintage Chronicles button on my left sidebar.

It feels so wonderful to stretch my limbs and leap into the new year with skin that is shedding and renewing itself. These adventures will be about my new direction as a portrait photographer for artists, as well as experimenting with more fine art photography (new prints in my shop coming soon!).

My writings will be about my growing relationship with our sweet son, spilling my very honest and raw emotions that surround this very new path of parenthood. I will share the myriad of emotions that can surface in regards to adoption and the lingering thoughts and feelings that continue to surface from trekking a long road of fertility challenges.

The end of last year, I was approached by a publisher, whom I deeply admire, to write a book about my journey. I hope to share some of those peaks and valleys of the writing process with you. This will be my very first try at doing something so brave and yet frightening and I can imagine I'll need to let it all out here in this comfy space where I speak my truth.

With all that said, I wanted to start it all off with offering you new postcards in my shop. So many people have written me about wanting my prints but needing to save money, so I wanted to offer a less expensive option of everyone's favorites.

The set is a package of ten 4 x 5 postcards (2 each of the five different prints shown above) for $15 that you can mail to your friends with sweet love notes OR frame for your lovely home.

Just a little package o' boho from me to you.