black eyed susans
Drucilla coming into my life at this time and space within my journey has been very healing and validating. She is an other worldly soul sister that I am very honored to introduce you to. I am longing for and so excited to take her ecourse that begins soon. Here she talks about it and together we offer one of my readers a free precious spot...{details at the end of post}.
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I was so fortunate to find Denise through her beautiful blog and Soulsigh. When I saw her face, her style of photography, her way of expressing herself, something in me. just. stopped. And then slowly realized why ... I felt like she was kin. I am so grateful that we've become friends, in awe of her radiant fae soul, and ecstatic to be featured here!
I've been on a fae journey alongside her, even though we didn't know each other until recently! For years, I explored alternative modes of spirituality (alternative to the Roman Catholicism I grew up with). I read everything I could find about the divine feminine and Earth-based spiritualities. Still, nothing quite settled into my soul. I hadn't found my home.
horse messenger
At the same time, in my work in the world, I was struggling with my “Why.” I didn’t feel like I was fulfilling my soul’s purpose in this life. I wanted to do something spirit-led like some of my mentors. I felt a calling, but hadn't discovered yet what that looked like.
Then one gorgeous Fall day, I was walking in the woods. I had been learning the basics of animal tracking and so I was trying to be quiet and still, to become one with the forest. Then, somehow, I entered into a different sort of space, of headspace. The best I can describe it is like a trance, full of stillness and sun and colours and trees and me…and the lines between us blurred and we all became infused with light.
I found my way back to the house as the sun was setting, and after I put the kettle on, I went to my bookshelves and unearthed a treasure my father had given me in 1978, Brian Froud’s big beautiful book of Faeries. I was once again a believer. Since then, I’ve become a student of Faerie. It has been important to me that the Faerie Faith is more of a path than a religion, so that I'm not entirely abandoning the religion of my recent ancestors.
When my father passed away in April, the Fae were my respite; they held me up and brought me to light and beauty. I knew then that my purpose was to help others navigate the path toward Faerie. Inspired by Celtic folklore and intimately tied to the seasons, I created an e-course called...
The Faerie Ring.
The first group will begin in just a precious few days, on December 21, the Winter Solstice. If this path calls to you too, I hope you will join me on this magical journey!
I am also offering Denise's readers $10 off in my shop. Just use the code : FAELOVE at checkout!
GIVEaway details:
To enter for a free spot in my course, do leave a comment on this post (one per person please). Comments will be closed Thursday, December 19th at 10pm PST. Winner will be announced on Friday, December 20th and will be contacted with details.
WINNER IS :: Lesley Austin! Congrats Lesley. Dru will be sending you details via email.
Drucilla Pettibone
Drucilla is in love with all things fae: the dawn and dusk, the deep woodland copse, the oak, ash and thorn, the mythology of the Celts, the shifting tides where the earth meets the water and all other betwixt and between places where one may catch a glimpse of the Otherworld.