fae-nook* — fae soul


We still need sacred womb spaces earthside...

Cedar has always loved forts as all children do.  I notice for him, he builds them almost out of necessity.  A way for him to quiet and control his environment.  He builds them in our closets or under the tables or with all the pieces of our furniture moved about throughout the day draped in every blanket and pillow he can find.  Then he brings inside battery operated candles for ambiance.  These are the spaces he feels safe and where he can create world upon world and every once in awhile, we are allowed in with him.

For some time, I've dreamed about a fort we can all share as a family.  A cozy fae-nook where we could curl up and read or do his homework and tell stories.  I was inspired by this article I was included in on Apartment Therapy so long ago with this image of my bedroom in our previous house (fourth image across).  I'm in love with the dreamy affect of fabric and twinkle lights.

Rather than use blankets or sheets that we use on a daily basis, I thought it would be wise to go to Goodwill to purchase King size sheets just for this fort alone.  That way, we can keep it up as long as we wanted to.  I was planning on scavenging for big tree branches in our forest out back but the day before I planned on making the fort, a neighbor friend told me that another neighbor had cut down many of his willow tree branches and was giving them away.  She invited me to go look and then offered me a few of the most gorgeous twisted and curly branches.  This was such a very unexpected gift.  I have been wanting to decorate my hOMe in willow branches for so so long.

I had no idea how I was going to begin.  Truly.  I sat and stared at this corner of the living room for ages and thought how on earth is this all going to stay together?  Thank goodness Cedar was preoccupied upstairs and I tried to keep him up there as long as possible to surprise him.  I started stepping on a few of my old vintage stools and chairs to reach the ceiling and fell a few times and sliced my finger on a branch on the way down.  My husband finally suggested his sturdy old ladder we've had for years and placing one plant hook on the ceiling and then it all started coming together.  

I was amazed at how strong the willow branches were (the ones I chose were quite thick).  I am delighted how it turned out and now even more inspired to do some nooks up in our bedrooms.  

When Cedar came downstairs and saw it for the first time he gasped and said...

"Mommy, this is love."

I don't think I ever want to take it down.  Each of us have enjoyed it...even our sweet puppy and kitty.  There is something more special about the branches...bringing mama earth into what feels like a womb in this space.  Whenever Cedar comes in from his outside adventures by the sea or in the forest, he brings with him treasures from nature and hanging them from the willow branches is what he has in mind to do.

Even as we roam earthside, our spirits, our souls, our little child within, still need a sacred womb space to come to and feel cradled and held and nourished and utterly safe.
