Continuing with my longing for simple this year, I had so much fun wrapping with a natural theme. I still had some brown paper and ribbon that I purchased last year from Dreamy Whites and I added jute ribbon, stamps & tags (from our local craft store).
I also got a little crafty for the ladies of our sweet village. I gathered feathers from around our neighborhood and placed each one inside a transparent globe ornament. Galvanized tins filled with moss became a cozy little nest for them.
The more I allow myself to root and simplify my life, I am being drawn to crafty projects around the house. My sister taught me to sew last year and I made a few floor pillows but I haven't sewn since and my son is always saying "Auntie DD can fix this!" if something rips (or is chewed on by our puppy). I really want to practice sewing so that I too can fix all the torn things rather than waiting for our visits and also make pretties for our hOMe. Then perhaps a few years from now I can gain enough confidence and experience to make some simple layered type clothing. One baby step at a time for me. Always.
We are headed to Northern California this early evening to spend Christmas at the almond farm. We heard it may snow in our town while we are away and we were so sad to miss it but guess what we woke up to this morning?
prayer flags from etsy shop Cazmira
What a sweet blessed Christmas gift for our wee family!!
We wish you a holiday filled with blessed surprises. We send you warm hugs to soothe any achey bits that can come with this season (I know this time of year can make any kind of loss more hurty). We also send you soft kisses on your cheek from deep in our belly to each of you.
We are humbled & grateful for the compassion and love that this community brings to our lives.
God/goddess bless and Namaste,
Denise, Carsten & Cedar
ps. Elvis Kitty & Salish puppy too!