window gazing is full of healing for me
"The way to maintain one's connection to the wild is to ask yourself what it is that you want. This is the sorting of the seed from the dirt. One of the most important discriminations we can make in this matter is the difference between things that beckon to us and things that call from our souls." ~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes
As I sit here and type this, I hear both piano and violin pulsing through my ear phones. Tears begin to fall at the beauty of what I am listening to...and I think to myself how much more I feel and see and appreciate so deeply, life these days. Especially the simplest pleasures that we can easily overlook with the busy and mundane of our days. I've been unwell physically for over a month as my pneumonia turned into Pleurisy. When I received this diagnosis a few days ago, to be honest, I felt so much relief, so much validation...that this very strange and foreign pain in my lungs when breathing and exhaustion wasn't in my imagination. It was so very difficult to describe to my loved ones what was happening in my body and after four weeks of pneumonia, I should have been feeling so much better, not worse and a different worse. I am grateful I was guided to the right specialist and with clear answers and a treatment plan...I am on the way to healing.
love bottles from my marmie
This. This is why I've been so quiet in this space. Words have not come, both the written word and spoken word. But images, images have been flowing through me more than ever before. Inspired by the simplest of beauty and nourishment that surrounds me in and around my hOMe.
sunday morning coffee
Truly, I sit here curled up on my bed in gratefulness. Everything feels different after the last 6 weeks. More intricate and exquisite to my eyes.
these ranunculus wanted to come home with me
This time of resting has brought so much peace into my world and the world of my boys. We've had no choice but to slow down and cocoon and to spend more time together, laying in bed cuddling, reading to candlelight with incense and oil burners. Our home smelling so deliciously fragrant with oils that are healing to lungs and the soul.
i do love big lush blossoms but the tiniest most humble ones have my heart
I've allowed myself more window gazing and like the quote below my first photo, think about what I want: What beckons to me and what calls to my soul and the difference between those two. I've had soulful exchanges with dear friends that have stayed close during this time, in spirit, about what living a simple life means. I read this on a friend's image from her Instagram...
"Going back to a simpler life is not a step backwards."
pausing after reading poetry
My life is so utterly simple these days. Instagram has been such medicine for me in how to capture that simplicity that is around me. Photography calls from my gentle & wild soul and pulses rhythmically through my veins. Not only capturing what it is that speaks to me but also witnessing life through the lens of those that move me. During this time of needing to lay oh so much, it has been a healing salve and has helped me to not feel alone in the stillness. Words feel overwhelming. Either reading or writing or speaking them but this, oh this...images enter into me with such ease and life.
a blossom in our backyard in the midst of our swampy forest that I had no idea existed but was pointed out by my friend
Today I received the most romantic of notes from a dear friend and she spoke of my images with such poetry and gentleness. I am not accustom to seeing myself this way but how she sees me touched the truest part of my soul. The soul that exists in this earthly body of mine that so patiently awaits the day I will know and see it in its entirety.
“I love getting to know the wildly beautiful and free woman in you through photographs of your daily love verse. I always know it’s you when i’m scrolling through my feeds because there is no one else with hair as golden-dipped. There is no one else with hands covered in soft fabric placed against a window pane or table with warm dreamy goods. There is no one else with a soulboy child who knows the stories of trees and the thoughts of stones and the last memories of fallen feathers. There is no one else with a child who was born from God’s very sacred safe, who knows the ancient codes to the root of gentle and compulsive happiness. There is no one else who breathes in the morning sun like you and there is no one else who wraps her body over her womb and feels its poetic chemistry.”
a recent gift from a dear soulfriend made with love and intention by jodi of whispered truths
Take a deep breath with me. Gaze outside your window in silence, even if just for one minute in your day and feel your body exhale Maybe that little tiny petal on that little tiny flower has something you may need, a message, a memory, a feeling as you focus and gaze for a while.
Perhaps in the quiet, it may be more simple to find what it is that calls from your soul.
listening & writing this afternoon