interviewed by Scarlet Pink* — fae soul

interviewed by Scarlet Pink*

Mmmmm...oh have I been reveling in this precious Spring.  Doors and windows open, soft flowing fabric in the breeze, the scents of our myriad of roses in the air and the warmth, oh the warm on our skin.  Where we live, our sun is usually cloaked in grayish-ness and we crave the wee peeks beyond the clouds.  This has been an unusually warm Spring for us and we are seeing blossoms that were indeed not here last year.  I haven't wanted to be behind a computer, so I have been quieter here than I had hoped.  I have so many stories to tell and they are marinating.  Perhaps on the grayer days here, the words will come.  

This month I was so honored to be interviewed by the editor Kelly Keyser of the up and coming Scarlet Pink magazine.  Kelly's questions gently nudged me to come into my body, center myself and get grounded in sharing about my creative life. I talk about my experience with creating and teaching our Soulsigh ecourse (turned ebook), about my future solo ecourse, what I do when I am uninspired, who I am when I am my most free and so much more.  I was completely taken aback to learn that Kelly chose the image of me taken by Deb Schwedhelm for the cover.  It feels so surreal!  You can purchase a copy on MagCloud here.  My interview is on pages 28 - 38.

Hope each of you find magic in unexpected places this weekend.

