Sponsor GIVEaway ~ Gypsy Wraps!

terri fischer

erin darcy

pixie campbell

darlene kreutzer

me, self portrait

In celebration of St. Patrick’s Day, Julie is offering three readers a free Gypsy Wrap. May the luck of the Irish be with you!

She is also offering a buy three get one free (chosen by Julie) to the first 10 readers who mention Boho Girl when they complete their purchase on Etsy.

{Samples of some of her wraps are on a few of my friends in the above photos. You can also see them on my boys in my previous post.  Yes, she has them for men and littles too!}

About Julie, the designer...whom I adore to the max:

photo of julie by deb schwedhelm

When I turned 40, the fog started to lift in every aspect of my life. I started paying attention to the long list of things I’d been intending to get to… eventually. On the top of that list was becoming a certified yoga teacher, taking a decade of personal practice and turning it into something I could share with others. I’ve read that all of the “little things” we do in life eventually add up into something “that makes sense.” I’ve found this to be true: merging the strength of my Marine Corps training; the customer service skills from waitressing; my knowledge of anatomy, physiology, disease process from nursing college; my teaching skills from years as a nurse educator; creating a nurturing classroom from mothering four young children; and my sewing skills to keep the hair out of my face.

The last “little thing” took me by surprise as people started to ask about my batik hair wraps. They wanted one -- or TEN! Yoga studios started to ask if I would sell them on consignment (and would I sell wholesale? and how could their cousin in Tennessee order some? ).

The Yoga Gypsy LLC, which was started as a traveling yoga business, incorporated wrapping people up in Gypsy Wraps. I am grateful that I found a way share two things I enjoy; yoga and sewing.

Take a look at my shop and wrap up!

terri & julie

GIVEaway Rules:

  • 3 Winners receive one Gypsy Wrap of choice.
  • Winners will be chosen at Random.org
  • To enter, leave a comment on this post
  • Comment can be one word or many or just a smiley face
  • One comment per person, please
  • Comments will be closed Thursday, 10pm PST
  • Winners will be announced on Friday