guest post by sas petherick
Can you imagine how freeing it would be, to feel completely at home in your body?
What could you do, and who would you be, if you fell passionately in love with yourself: yourbody and your life? It is my humble and considered view that you would beun-freakin-stoppable!
I want you to know that you can have a conscious, trusting, peaceful relationship with your body.
My life's mission has been to love all of myself: to be enough for me. I want this for you too. And so I'm combining a coaching toolbox the size of Texas and my own favourite practices, in an online course called emBODYment - for any woman who wants Body Peace.
We'll explore the big dreams you have for yourself, you'll learn how to choose your thoughts,how to tune into your body’s wisdom, feel your feelings, create more joy in your life and live on purpose.
Everyone will get a gorgeous coaching journal packed full of exercises and ideas. Plus there is group coaching, meditation, and a supportive community all available in our private website.
Here's a little morsel of the Coaching Journal, just for you.
Using the tools I am sharing in emBODYment, I have been able to lose 65 pounds. But so much more than this, I am creating a life that fulfils me more than I ever thought possible. I feel more ‘me’ than I ever have.
emBODYment will start on the 20th of May - it's going to be six weeks of awesome.
Hope to see you in class :)
There are fifty places available - enrollment is open!
Big love, Sas Petherick is a writer and coach: a Life Transformer for people who want an Amplified Life full of woo hoo! moments. She spent almost twenty years helping thousands of people navigate change in their place of work, before a combination of loss and grief prompted her own transformation path. A CTI trained Co-active Coach, Sas is currently training with Martha Beck’s Life Coaching Programme.
As well as emBODYment, Sas is coaching one-on-one and will be co-hosting Redfox Retreats in October 2013 with Susannah Conway and Meghan Genge. You can find out more at and on the twits @saspetherick
GIVEaway rules:
- :: Three chances to enter ::
- To enter for a spot in Sas's course, please leave a comment
- If you Tweet about it, leave a second comment that you've tweeted
- If you Facebook about it, leave a third comment that you've FB'd
- Comments will remain open until 10pm PST Sunday, May 5th
- Winner will be announced Monday, May 6th
- COMMENTS CLOSED Winner is Hollie from In a little green house! Congrats! We will contact you shortly. ; )