nourish — blog — fae soul


grain free pumpkin pancakes*

A lot of time and energy goes into what we put into our bodies in this house. Each of us have sensitivities that are crucial to our health and well being. I was born with Celiac, unable to digest gluten and my tummy is intolerant to most fish except shell fish. Boho Boy has an intolerance to gluten, dairy, soy, peanuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, safflower oil and citric acid (those last two ingredients are in everything!). Cedar seems to feel more calm and clear on a grain free/gluten free, corn free, peanut free, high protein, low carb diet.

Because of our various needs, not one "diet" out there works for our family, which is okay with us because we are used to not fitting into a box. We love to eat and we love eating for pleasure too. So you can imagine the creativity that needs to go into our meals. Oh my!

With much trial and error, we have learned we all feel better juicing our own fruit and veggie juices, eating more raw, mostly vegetarian, meat/fish just a few times a week and light on brown rice breads/pastas. It has taken us years to fully grasp what works for each of our very individual bodies and create a food lifestyle that is in harmony for all of us. Because we all know that making three different meals is just not super fun, no matter how much you love cooking! I just now feel like I have a grasp on this and am more aware of what to look for as far as recipes and substitutes.

Today I found this recipe over at The Detoxinista, a blog I discovered while doing a search for grain free goodies. She's brilliant and has some really lovely recipes on her site. I wanted to share this one with you because they truly do taste like pancakes and I am looking forward to trying different flavors with them.

My pumpkin-lovin' boys were in heaven and wanted seconds and thirds. I had to substitute almond butter for Boho Boy's homemade cashew butter because of his allergy to almonds but they turned out perfect.

Boho Boy's Cashew Butter


  • 1 cup cashews
  • 1/4 cup maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoon oil (we use grapeseed or walnut)
  • Dash of vanilla extract


  • Blend it like mad. Add some water/oil or maple syrup to achieve desired creaminess...and to help the blender along as it stops.

Pumpkin Pancakes


  • ½ cup almond or cashew butter
  • ½ cup pumpkin puree
  • 2 whole eggs
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda
  • ½ teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon honey


  • Preheat your oven to 350F, and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • In a medium bowl, combine all of the ingredients and mix until a smooth batter forms.
  • Use a ¼ cup to scoop the batter on the parchment-lined baking sheet
  • Bake for 10-12 minutes, until the pancakes are fluffy and golden.
  • Serve warm, with pure maple syrup or whatever you desire

Yum Yummity Yum Yum.

one of our fave recipes*

{a slice of heaven, taken last week}

I wanted to share with all of you one of our favorite dishes to eat around here. Since Cedar has become an increasingly picky eater when it comes to vegetables, I am always trying to find ways to sneak them in. One of those ways is in this roasted veggie Crustless Quiche I found online. Although we call it a frittata. ; )

When we are trying to not eat that much dairy, we use Daiya cheddar cheese in place of real cheese. It still tastes so wonderful.

The veggie combo I have found to be the favorite around here are roasted onions, broccoli, cauliflower and sweet potatoes. If we are eating meat or needing more protein, I sometimes put in bits of real bacon or sausage.

For an extra special treat, sometimes I will layer the bottom with already cooked hash brown potatoes that we whip up. Mmmmm...

My boys devour this. Its mouth watering yum.

If any of you have some other fun ideas on sneaking in veggies besides smoothies and making baked potatoes out of steamed cauliflower, it would be a delight to hear for us and probably many that come to this space.


sponsor GIVEaway ~ Lauren Luquin

Deerskin & Antler Ring:

This ring was made with ultra soft deerskin and a ~naturally shed~ deer antler button. It was sewn with natural fiber sinew. It is not adjustable but it will stretch a little.

Forest Sprite Pouch:

Keep your treasured finds, sacred herbs, crystals, or other talismans inside this pouch to carry the medicine with you. This pouch is made with deerskin and sewn with natural fiber. It measures 2 x 2 3/4 inches.

The artist, my deer/dear friend Lauren handmade these beautiful treasures. I cherish the ones she made for me (that is my hand in the photo above and I have a pouch as well) .  I feel their gentle deer medicine when I have them close. Lauren has been so very mindful about my connection to deer since I wrote this post and shared with her their impeccable timing of showing up on certain days in my life. So, we thought it would be appropriate to share some of their gentleness with you as many of you have written so touched about deer and how healing they are.

Edited to add:  Note from Lauren in response to a few questions and concerns...

These buttons were made from naturally shed antlers. I do not support deer farming and I will never buy any hides from any mass produced company that kills deer for their skins. I have been given many hides to work with and I honor the animal by giving thanks for its hide, and by putting it to good use as it does carry the energy of the animal not the energy of the person who skinned it. Most of the hides I use I was given by other medicine people, that were blessed in ceremony... a couple of hides I exchanged for from a local Native American woman who owns a trade post. When I run out of hides I will not be making more products unless I am given more because like you I do not want to contribute to any animal's suffering. When I am given something that use to belong to an animal I do not feel bad using it to share the good energy from it... I feel honored to work with it and keep it's energy flowing in my works. It would otherwise go to waste because I use 90% scrap pieces, which is why there are no large items in my shop.

{Lauren has graciously offered all of my readers a 15% discount in her shop.  Please just enter BOHO15 when checking out.  Thank you, Lauren!}

GIVEaway Rules:

  • Winner receives one Deerskin & Antler Ring and Deerskin Pouch
  • To enter, please leave a comment
  • One comment per person, please
  • Comments will close Thursday, April 12th at 10am
  • Winner will be announced by evening on Thursday and will be contacted by both Lauren and me.


spending time with nicole and alex

I am noticing that when I have time away from Cedar, whether it is when he is napping (which is very rare these days) or when he is in his woodland preschool 3 days a week, I carry this unnecessary guilt around that unless I fill this time with housework or house projects, that I am being too indulgent. I am not sure where that pressure comes from. Its not coming from my husband, although given a hormonal day, I will think it is. My husband has his own business and he works from home in an office downstairs, so we are fully aware how hard he works from morning until evening with mini breaks in between to play with Cedar or practice archery out back. It is important to me that my husband knows we honor and appreciate his efforts to support our family so well and it is important to me that he views my nurturing Cedar and our home and our bellies as an equal effort of contribution to our family's well being. I lived on my own for so long supporting myself, as well as had my own business after we were married, so getting used to not contributing financially to my family can play a bit of a mind trip on me and my self worth as a woman.  I know it won't always be like this  because I have some projects on the horizon but at this stage in our journey of wellness and of nurturing Cedar, it needs to be for the time being.

It is good for me to remember that the moments I take for myself are not only for myself but are for my boys too. Meaning, if I want to sit for an hour to browse online for wisdom that interests and fulfills me, then I will be a more present mother and wife. What I am learning about myself as an Introvert, is how crucial alone time is for me and being a mother of a toddler and a wife of a stay at home working husband, alone time is more precious to me than it has ever been in my life. I cannot always fill my alone time with cleaning and picking up the house or grocery shopping or errands. This can feel so very draining for me. So I am trying to rethink and balance my new-found alone time while Cedar is in school three days a week for a few hours. I am most recently wanting to give myself permission to allow some of this time to go towards activities that fill my soul. And this is perfectly okay and good, so good for Cedar and my husband to witness. Part of why I am sharing these feelings in this space is to shoo the guilt away and to grow deeper into an awareness of my needs.

Today I chose to spend some time online, which I don't do often these days and when I do, it needs to be with an intention or I get overstimulated or spiral down with comparison gremlins. I was on the couch and my dear husband suggested I sit in our mud room-turned dining area. He said there was sun shining in there. He even pulled the table and chair out for me just right. My heart warmed at this gesture because he could easily resent this time of hush for me but rather, he supported and encouraged it. So, I snuggled under the sun and spent time on my friend Nicole's website: Whole Food Meal Plans (see photo above). I joined her and her husband's program (they are new sponsors) and I am thrilled to begin with their recipes and natural health ideas next week. So far this past hour browsing their program, I have already learned so much from them and have been led to other blogs/sites with food and natural product recipes that feel so doable to me. I am a newbie at making my own salves and tinctures and mists from what surrounds me in nature. I am a huge supporter of purchasing my friend's and sponsor's natural products but seem to notice I have not been confident enough to make my own. Well, that is going to change and I feel so supported by the blog community in regards to this shift in my life living here in the Pacific Northwest surrounded by nature's medicine.

Heal-All (Prunella Vulgaris) around our home

My friend was over the other day and pointed at all the Prunella Vulgaris growing around my house. I had no idea their healing properties! Remember I shared that this is my year of the Deer...of gentleness and healing for me and my family? Well its so fitting that these precious Prunellas are surrounding us in a purple cocoon of wellness. They are also referred to as Heal-All or Self-Heal.  Of course they are.

{important correction!  just found out from an herbalist friend of mine that this plant is actually called Lamium Purpureum (aka Purple Nettle)!  see?  we are all learning together in this space.  and this is a beautiful lesson for all of us how important it is to check with experienced herbalists when harvesting our own plant medicine.  Lamium has its own healing properties that our family needs.  so truly, its perfect}

Guest Post & GIVEaway ~ Herbmama

A warm hello to all the Boho fans. My name is Latisha, herbmama. A giant thank you to my sweet friend Denise for giving me a chance to talk about what I love in her beautiful space.

After my daughter was born, I went in search of natural alternatives for health and healing for her. Something about the conventional ways just didn't feel, well, natural for us. And I struggled to know what to do when she was sick. So, I poured myself into learning as much as I could about natural remedies and my understanding and trust in earth medicine grew. The plant people came to greet me and show me their gentle ways and I found myself whole and home again. Now that my girl is older and she is joined by a little sister, I can look back at this time with more understanding. I remember how frustrated and small I felt among the massive amount of information out there. I made it my mission to help mamas feel comfortable and joyful and safe about using natural medicines. What was born out of that frustration was the HerbCraft Camps.

A multi-sensory experience using herbs as medicine the HerbMother way. This isn't necessarily a class for folks interested in setting up shop as an herbalist, though it could be a great staring point if you are just beginning. The herbmother way is written for the home herbalist. People who want to begin caring for their family and embracing plant medicine as a way of life in the home. Part herbal medicine making. Part crafting. Part re-wilding. Part re-childing. A whole lot of fun.

HerbCraft eCamps are a virtual nature camp for anyone interested in learning about fun, easy, mamafolk methods of herbal craft making. If you’ve ever wanted to start using herbal medicine, but just weren’t sure where to begin. The plants communicate with us through our senses, at camp you will be invited to awaken your childlike expression in the world as we greet our own HomeDirt with fresh young eyes.  It is my hope to pique your curiosity about the greenstuff growing right in your backyard and encourage you to begin using natural remedies in the home with ease and a feeling of security.

HerbCraft Camp is a gentle entry into the world of plant medicine, with a loving guide who wants nothing more than to help you feel success with treating you and your family in a natural way.

I'd love to have you along. I am giving away one free spot in the upcoming Spring Session camp starting Monday, March 19th!

GIVEaway rules:

  • To enter, please leave a comment
  • One comment per person, please
  • Comments will be closed this Friday at 10pm PST
  • Winner will be contacted on Sunday to begin eCourse this coming Monday!

WINNER: Congrats to Jennifer Blevins! HerbCraft eCamp starts this excited for you. You will be contacted very shortly about details. xoxo

{images of latisha by the lovely georgia cranston of gypsy rae photography}

nurturing my tangible world*

taproot magazine

I received a copy of Taproot from my friend Amanda (editor of magazine) in the mail the other day and it couldn't have arrived at a more perfect time. I cherish those serendipitous moments when a loved one in your life connects to you in a cosmic way without conscious intention. Like this morning when I was looking out my upstairs bedroom window, watching the ripples of the water in the bay and imagining they were reaching my friend Jessamyn whom I miss achy so. And in that moment I heard my phone buzz with the words "Just have you on my mind..." and it was her.  Sweet Synchronicity.

Taproot magazine embodies the intention I am putting towards my life right now: "Living Fully, Digging Deeper".  Let me share an excerpt from the publisher Jason Miller that says so much of what I am wanting to cultivate in my life:

"People are taking stock of what's really important in life.  They're reviving skills of their grandparents like gardening and canning, sewing and knitting.  They're meeting neighbors and creating community.  These are real skills, both personal and interpersonal and they happen offline, in the tangible world.  They happen in a place.  People are saying the time for rootlessness is over; I'm ready to plant myself here, come what may."

Oh yes, that is it.  "Tangible World".  That is where I have been.  Reconnecting with a tangible world or moreso, retraining my brain and heart to pour my focus into what surrounds me with less time online.  I have no idea how to garden or can or knit but I am opening up space and time in my life to begin learning.  And when I put that intention out there, I was blessed with the possibility.  My dear friend Julia, who was my next door neighbor when we first moved here, is a farmer and I have asked her if she could come over and teach me how to plant vegetables this Spring.  My other friend Annie, who also used to be my next door neighbor, has asked me to come and knit with her on Wednesdays.  I have only picked up knitting needles once in my life 15 years ago and I gave up after a few tries.  I am more patient in my life now.  And I have more of a yearning.  And I am creating time to be more still.  I am ready.

I am drinking in this magazine like a thirsty woman needing to hydrate.  It feels like every page, every article, photo, quote, recipe...just the whole of it speaks to what I am wanting to create in my life.

Kale has been a huge part of our diet lately and I love it raw but I know not everyone does.  There is an article by Cynthia Lair about massaging kale with sea salt to help take the bitterness out.  I had not yet heard of this trick!  So for 2 minutes I massaged my freshly chopped curly kale with some sea salt and it worked.  My kale salad was AMAZING.

{chopped and massaged kale, diced honey crisp apples, diced red cabbage, roasted pumpkin & sunflower seeds, dried cranberries tossed with a small dollop of poppy seed dressing}

A few weeks ago I had an opportunity to participate in this amazing ecourse with a tribe of SOUL~full, POWER~full women.  It was going to be a big commitment and I knew it was going to require much of my energy and time.  It spoke to so many parts of me.  Especially the need to share my gifts with the world and to touch people's lives in a healing way.  It spoke to the Creatrix in me.  It spoke to the power I know I have within me to launch something extraordinary and life altering.  But there was this deep resistance that had nothing to do whether or not I believed I was capable of this.  I knew I  was.  We all are.  But it was more about timing and the simplicity I have been craving.  It was about my family that needed me to be more present.  It was about me knowing I am changing and still in the process of relearning who I am and what I am passionate about now.

Most importantly it was about my health and the health of my boys.  Since living with toxicity in our walls in Southern California, our immune systems have been a bit off.  This winter we have been sick with flu's and colds non-stop as one person gets it, heals and gives it to another and the cycle continues.  At first it was disheartening because I feel I feed my family well and we live in a seaside village with fresh air to fill our lungs.  I had a week or so of feeling depressed about it.  We had come from a home that contributed to illness and I wondered if we had entered into another one.  I really took it on and felt I wasn't doing enough.  When the opportunity to do this ecourse came into my life and I needed to decide where my energy would go, it was then that it became clear to me.  If I have the power to create a legacy with my passions and creativity, then I have the power to help heal my family and in order to fully dive into all the parts of me that make me ME, I need to be well and so do my boys.  The shift from feeling dis-empowered to empowered felt invigorating!

So, I dedicated this year to the year of WELLNESS for my family.  Sort of a continuation of the path I have already set before me but just more of a confirmation that I am going in the right direction.  Just the idea that I am able to focus on nothing else but wellness, released a weight on my shoulders of trying to be ALL things.  I can fill my days with self care and care for my boys and that is enough right now.  And when my body feels healed and my energy returns ten fold, I know opportunities will open up for me, as so will more energy.

Self care to me right now is being really mindful while preparing and eating nourishing foods.  Making time to move my body more (yoga, long walks, dancing).  Creating a beautiful, simple and stress free environment in my home.  Learning to garden both veggies and flowers.  Meditation and prayer.  Setting aside time to connect with souls that see me and nourish my spirit.  Being present for my boys and my family.  Opening myself up to my tangible community.  My energy needs to be nowhere else for now and the permission I gave myself to do this allowed me to feel UNSTUCK from any pressure to do more.  My ecourse, my book and all else that is on the horizon for me is not going away and doing those things, while feeling WELLNESS in my bones will help me to stay more in an authentic space surrounding it all.

Its not easy to go back to the ways of living more simply and quietly when most of the people in my life are rocking their creative passions and building inspiring businesses online (and offline).  The urge to compare can at times bring on not enoughness or loneliness or even a sense of being forgotten.  But those are the moments I have to breathe and remember what is in front of me, what is tangible and what is in alignment with what I am needing right now in my life.  I can honor, celebrate and support my friends but I don't have to be doing what they are doing to be fulfilled.  I have always needed and wanted to follow my own heart and stay authentic to who I am and what I need.

And I am hoping this guy will learn from all of this the importance of listening to your heart and carving out your own path regardless of what is going on around you...

holiday nourishment GIVEaway*

Oh hello there*. I’m Stephanie. A mama of two boys. Artist. Holistic health coach. Sometimes overwhelmed. Sometimes reaching for a little sweet when stressed. Recovered {mostly} emotional eater. Constantly rediscovering how real food makes me feel alive, fog lifted. Lover of twinkle lights, painting, the smell of beeswax, secret gardens, sea glass & driftwood, horses with curly manes, candlelit conversations, skirts & boots, wool anything, woodland walks with her boys and a bit of mercury glass. Major passion for working with other creative women. Seeker of deep connections. So honored to meet you*.

I work with women. Mama or not, single or together. Those who are a bit lost, at the end of their rope. Done with diets. Struggling with something but can’t quite put their finger on it. Knowing there must be something better. I’m here to say that if you choose to walk a different path I can walk with you. Support you and hold space for you. Together we can create something sacred.

I am beyond excited to extend my gratitude to the Universe and all it has given me. My greatest wish is to give back in some way, so today I am offering up an opportunity for a free “Holiday Nourishment” session to two special readers of Denise’s poetry.

Gently guiding you toward simple, less stress and a bit of magic. I’m here to help you get your twinkle back.

This is your chance to really make the holidays what YOU want them to be. It’s an opportunity to go from wishing to doing. 50 minutes of one on one time carved out and customized just for you.

First, we will set a time to have a chat. Don’t forget your cup of tea and a cozy blanket. We will talk, ask questions and connect. After our session you will have some new goals and a deeper sense of what you need to do for yourself to make some magic happen. Then, I’ll follow up with you with some recipes and tips that will help support your and your new intentions.

GIVEaway: For a chance to be entered into the drawing, please leave a comment on this post (one comment per person, please) and share your biggest, deepest or secret holiday wish! The two winners will be announced in 5 days when the giveaway ends.

{To get in touch with Stephanie, you can find her on Facebook or stop by and visit her new blog.}


New windows were installed today. Three upstairs, one downstairs and our home was covered in plastic and we had to stay in a safe room (home built in 1900, precautions in regards to lead paint). So, we added some romance to it and while Boho Boy built databases, Cedar and I painted, snacked and listened to music (not the same trance music as daddy, blaring through his DJ fresh headphones).

We are finally surfacing. My sister was here all last week and the day she arrived, I felt the flu coming on. Oh how I was wishing it away but there it stayed. A gnarly chest flu that is going around town. So within a day of me being full on ill, she caught it and then Boho Boy caught it and so far Cedar only has the sniffles. So all week, we were lounging around on the couch, feeling miserable and trying our best to help one another when we really just wanted to bury ourselves under the covers. Being hit hard with a flu is rough. Being hit hard with a flu and having to take care of others is a lesson in LOVE and patience. We took care of one another. We survived. And we survived well. A little curly headed wood nymph was the light of our days, insightful enough to know we weren't our best and made his best efforts at bringing us joy.

When my parents were here a month ago, they caught food poisoning. Both of these visits were lessons for me in surrendering expectations to entertain and really being mindful about "togetherness" and the importance of quality over quantity.

Nearing the end of the week, a new local friend of ours made us soup and dropped it off on our doorstep. A selfless offering of love and healing. We were so grateful and humbled...

ps. various homemade soups and oil of oregano pills... pure magic for our healing.


I remember in the dark of the night, walking up to a friend's cabin at Squam a few years back. She and a few others were huddled in front, bundled in sweaters and scarves but their hair was soaked. Each of their faces were filled with a rosy-cheeked glow. I knew something went down and when I asked, they excitedly told me how they just returned from skinny dipping by moonlight in the lake. I remember feeling my heart take flight for each of them and at the same time, it ached to feel that free in my body and comfortable in my skin.

I've attracted quite a few free spirited friends in my life. I lived vicariously through their stories of running naked with people in a field or soaking nude in a hot springs. I've often wondered what it would feel like to be so uninhibited that way. I wondered if I was capable of not being self conscious. I grew up in a very modest household. We didn't walk around naked like some of my friend's families. We always dressed or went to the bathroom in private. I honor this way of being too. I am grateful that I considered my body, my temple sacred when in romantic relationships at such a young age. All of that served me so well then.

But now, especially lately, I ache for a freedom and acceptance and celebration of my body. Perhaps its turning 40. Perhaps its me wanting to release the wounds left from (in)fertility and the doubts that crept in about me being fully woman. Perhaps its me being more open to the call of sisters long before me that danced under the moon with their skin glowing and curves swaying up on a mountaintop where shame didn't exist. Perhaps me pulling the layers of clothing off would feel symbolic to me of renewal and rebirth and transformation in this new world I am living in. Whatever it is and I know I don't really need to know what it is exactly yet...but this ache led me to something so beautiful that happened yesterday.

A new organic farmer friend of mine invited me over to this glorious house where she is house sitting up on a hill over looking the bay. In my mind, I imagined us snuggling up on the couch with tea and soaking in this very first time her and I had alone. Any other time we were together with both of my boys. Her and I have been longing for girl time. When I arrived, the sun came out and warmed our skin after a spell of such chilled weather, so we decided to say out on the deck. She had told me she put the hot tub on and that she wanted to go in nude. I sat with her on the deck, as we both were petting a cat and I felt my heart pounding in my chest. She held me gently with her gaze, and I felt the tears come and I shared with her how healing this will be for me and that I have never been fully nude out in the open with a friend. I knew this was the time. The time to shed the temptation to hide, to shed shame and to accept I am fully woman, along side this other woman...fully woman. She was moved that this was new and tender and that she was the one to honor it all with me.

I found myself wanting to savor the moment. I shed my clothing one by one, slowly. We then soaked our bodies and it was the most natural feeling. Mmmmm...water on skin, sun on face, crisp breeze on shoulders, the sounds of nature echoing around us. I wondered why it took me so long to be in this space but at the same time, I also honored the perfect timing of it all. And now I get it. I get the healing power of being fully nude in mother nature alone or among people you feel safe with. Like a friend said to me yesterday, it felt like a baptism and a coming home to an ancient part of me that wants to be heard and felt and seen and loved and held divine like a newborn is fresh from the womb and into our arms.

This photo was taken shortly after our time together in the tub. Her and I were on our knees, looking out the window, reading from a book of Buddhist quotes. My skin still moist, my dreads still dripping, the peace radiating from my heart. I wanted to take this photo to remember the complete surrender I felt in this moment. The connection to God and Goddess and all things living and breathing. One love surrounding me, within me.

When I looked at this image, I cried. Yes. THAT is how it felt. There it is. Baptism captured.

nourishment for a growing boy*

Our dear boy is really growing into himself and as a dear friend said to me today..."the 3 year change is HUGE...the child goes from just in the head space and begins to work his way down his body...". And that is exactly what is happening. Even now that he has found his words, he still is most comfortable expressing himself with his body. Most people that spend time with him says he has a groove when he walks. We often wonder if he will be a dancer or an actor or something where he can move every morsel of his body to express an emotion.  Since this body movement is so part of who he is, I want to nourish it deep but he has chosen this part of his life to become a picky eater.  So, I come to you mamas or caretakers to freshen up our toddler kitchen!

I would love to hear some of your creative healthy toddler recipes!  Like I always say, I know there is Google and books and all that but I always find so much wisdom here and I prefer to come here to this community first.

Cedar LOVES green smoothies, so I am golden there...but I would just be delighted to learn of some yummy snacks and meals where the veggies are there but they'd never know it.  ; )  The only veggies he will eat right now is raw carrots and sauteed kale (score!) but that's all, folks.

So, so grateful for all of you.

ps. that photo of him laying down in the Vancouver Aquarium was taken this weekend.  he decided that this would be a better view.  such a sweet moment with the line of people beside us giggling and also nodding, perhaps all wishing they could do the same.  i think next time i will.

giveaway winners*

cedar & me gazing out the bedroom window upstairs, taken by boho boy

The winner of the Bodhichitta Botanicals massage oil medley is: Dreamer Becky!

The winner of the Texture mini skirt is: Annaelyse!

Congrats lovelies! Send me an email {denise(at)} and I will be sure to get you in contact with Anna of Bodhichitta & Teresa of Texture!

My boys and I are off to British Columbia for the weekend. A bit of a spontaneous trip! It will be Cedar's very first ferry boat ride and he will not stop talking about seeing seaplanes! Is it sad that what I am looking forward to the most is a scoop of Tiger Tail ice cream?!? I am my father's daughter. We both love black licorice.

Blessings to you all this weekend.


Bodhichitta Botanicals ~ GIVEaway*

Right before our move to Washington, I received a very warm and kind message from one of the owners, Anna of Bodhichitta Botanicals.  She knew from reading my blog that I was under both physical and emotional stress and she wanted to gift me some healing goodness for the move.  I was so touched by the impeccable timing of her email.   Shortly thereafter, I received a package of her line of Peaceful Journey lotion, shower gel, bubble bath, massage oil and body balm.  She had kindly sent it to my sister's house since I was stopping there on the way to Washington.  Just the name of it alone "Peaceful Journey" was healing enough but oh my goodness, when I opened up the package and smelled the deliciousness, I was hooked.  The packaging is gorgeous and earthy and the quality of the products are simply awesome.  I have not stopped using it since.  Here is a bit about the magic they offer:

Bodhichitta Botanicals is a line of wild-crafted, energizing skin care products that bring healing and restoration to the mind, body, spirit alliance, so that the whole of you can move through life with a natural strength and grace.

Through the power of flowers and herbs, environmental attributes and active minerals, Bodhichitta Botanicals lift your emotions, heighten your energies and reveal your true self—the fabulous wonderful you that sometimes gets lost in life’s shuffle.

They would like to give away to one of my readers a "massage oil medley" from each of their collections - Nurture The Goddess, Peaceful Journey, Wild & Free and Sacred Temple (see photo above).

If you would like to enter the GIVEaway, please leave a comment (one per person, please) and the winner will be chosen at random towards the end of the week.  Comments will be closed Thursday at midnight.  The winner of this giveaway and the Texture giveaway from last week will be announced this weekend!

welcoming in july*

The rain is now a mist. The sun stretching its rays above us. Flowers we never knew we had are beginning to bloom around our home. I've paddled a Canoe. Cedar has fished with his daddy. Marybeth (seen with basket above) nourishes us with strawberries at the park. We painted a picnic table for our back yard a gorgeous turquoise while Cedar was napping. We also drank root beer floats that day. My neighbor lets me come over and pick flowers to put in my mason jars. She has an enchanting garden. A witch once lived in her house. I think it was cast with a garden spell. I found a gorgeous antique cabinet for my tinctures and nature medicine. We sleep in and stay up late. My niece is coming tomorrow with her fiance. I am taking engagement photos of them. I plan on doing one downtown with a vintage bike and ice cream cones. My new favorite flavor of ice cream is licorice and orange. Cedar is awesome at balancing himself on big logs laying on the ground. He also stands on boulders and pretends its a stage. I am trying to hoola hoop but cannot keep it on my waist. I am being patient. I am rarely on the computer. My life has completely shifted. I am craving quiet and peace and solitude in nature. I am feeling God. I want to sit with the Dalai Lama. I wish I could walk with Buddha. I am having conversations with Jesus. I am resting on Mother Earth. I am crying with Father Sky. I am bleeding with Sister Moon. I am listening to and honoring my needs. I am navigating my way through parenting while trying to stay aware of my projections and Cedar's heart and needs. I am in awe of how funny both of my boys are. I am just


nature's medicine*

I have stinging nettles in my back yard (and some in my front...oh and on the side!).

They grow here without me needing to plant them. They are REALLY good for you.  Nature's medicine!  They also hurt like mad if you touch them a certain way.  One day when we first moved here, my boys and I were on a hike and we went off the beaten path and I fell into a patch.  I was shocked at the instant, harsh burning on my legs and arms...then the deep itch that felt it couldn't be itched.  Then the many swollen bumps. Then the achy numbness for a few days.  I will admit, right when it happened, I cried like a baby.  I am totally okay admitting that.  ; ) Because of  my physical reaction, I stayed away from my nettles for a few weeks...even though I was hearing of friends making soups and teas and intentionally touching them to feel the sting, to build an immunity, to listen to the pain and connect to it...or to help soothe their arthritis.  I felt stubborn for a bit.  I was actually a bit angry with this plant.   It hurt me!  Although when I would walk outside, I felt a pull to them.  I would stare at them for a long while...and watch them sway in the wind.  I felt like my fear of them was teaching me something.  That there are always messages in the pain.  Messages we need to hear in order to grow.  The pain does not come from the root.  Am I rooted?

I decided to get up close.  I studied them.  I felt less afraid.  I knew they were fierce plants and in their fierceness, offered medicine that we needed.  I went back to the house and grabbed my basket.  And my gloves.  I can still receive their medicine, with a bit of a boundary to protect myself.  I still felt the sting but ever so lightly and just enough to connect to that pain.  To feel alive.  To help remind me that so much wisdom comes from pain.  I talked with them when picking each one.  I thanked them for what they had to offer.  I got a sense that they softened towards me.  That they felt understood.  In those moments, I truly felt the heartbeat of life from the earth.  Those moments of clarity and connection that come to us when we are quiet in nature, away from the noise.  I want more of those.

I dried some leaves for tea.  I used the raw ones for a soup.  The soup tasted like pureed artichoke dipped in butter with a dash of salt.  Yummmm.   I used this recipe but I substituted blended soft tofu in place of heavy cream and nonfat greek yogurt in place of sour cream.  I also included crushed garlic along with the onions when sauteing in the beginning.

I am so grateful that being here, surrounded by so much lushness, has me connecting deeper to what nature offers us beyond just solace.  I am so inspired by Susun Weed these days...among a few others in my life, that take care of themselves and those they love with what  comes from the earth:  Nature's medicine cabinet of  healing and love.  Its in my back yard!   Mmmmm.

toddlers + moving = crazytown.

our flower child

first time out in so long. took a drive with windows down and the wailin' jennys blaring

pretty knobs at cost plus world market. want to cover our new kitchen with these

i love him so much. he looks yummy in his gypsy wrap.

cedar eating our flu soup. recipe below.

best. swing. view. ever.

resting on a bench together

Just wanted to share some images of the last few days.

Man, moving is more stressful than I remember. There was a time when I was in my twenties that I moved every few years. But back then I was more a gypsy about it and didn't keep a lot of THINGS and didn't allow myself to get attached to the walls around me. I was joking with a friend the other day who is going through the same thing and she said sorting and packing should be illegal with a toddler. ; ) Oh my gosh. It makes a huge difference when the little one decides it is SO FUN to pull apart the pile you are working on or get into the box and pretend its a car. It is a Zen exercise in staying present and slowing down and remembering that this wee one has absolutely no concept of what we're about to really do. To him right now, our home being out of sorts is like a maze of creative play. Crazytown.

We are all feeling stronger and better. I am on the last leg of this flu and tend to go in and out of good or hard days. I know its because I am not able to rest fully. Gone are the days I can lay in bed all day when I am feeling poorly. ; ) I wanted to share our Flu Soup with you. We got it out of Real Simple magazine and added a few different touches. It heals the bod and tastes delicious! Boho Boy is a stud at making soups when I am not feeling well.

We are in the process of maybe having found our Faerie Home. We will know in the next three days. If it happens to be the one, I will let you know. House hunting is yet ANOTHER Zen exercise in not allowing yourself to get attached and to trust that if a home we fall in love with falls through, it means it was not meant for us. Moving is SUPER hard on the ego because it forces you to leg go of it completely and just surrender.

Flu Soup {we do it the quick and easy way}

1 can white kidney beans* 2 tbsp olive oil 2 cups diced onion 4 cloves garlic sliced thinly 8 oz shiitake mushrooms sliced 8 oz portobello mushrooms sliced 2 lbs butternut squash cut into 1 inch cubes 1 bay leaf 8 cups broth (we prefer turkey broth with these Trader Joes) 1/2 bunch of kale, stems removed and leaves sliced thinly Sea Salt

Directions: Heat Oil in a large pan over a medium flame Add onions and garlic. Cook until tender (6 minutes) Transfer them to a bowl and set aside. Add some more oil and then saute the mushrooms until they are golden brow. stir them often. Put onions/garlic in a soup pot and add the mushrooms. Add the squash, bay leaf and broth. Season with pepper. Bring to a boil, then cover and let simmer for about 45 minutes, or until squash is tender. Stir in the kale about 15 minutes before soup is done. *If you want to use dried beans, go ahead...just simmer the soup for a solid hour.

Here is a cute little video we took the other day. I love the way he sings...

And this one just makes me laugh...

lotus wei loveliness*

custom made Lotus Wei elixirs

A few months ago, a friend guided me over to the flower essences of  Lotus Wei.  I was so enchanted with the energy throughout their website.  I was in need of the healing power of nature bottled up, for me to drink in.  Mmmm...aren't we all?  After I made an order, I was contacted by one of the owners, Katie Hess.  We connected in a gentle, knowing way and Lotus Wei eventually became a sponsor on my blog.  We knew my readers would be drawn to the healing ways of their products the same way I was.

Since becoming a sponsor, Katie has taken such gentle care of our family.  She knew we were all experiencing illness from the poor air quality in our home (that we are quickly remedying, more on that soon).  She asked me to make a list of all of our ailments.  I wasn't sure what she was going to do with that list, but then I received the most thoughtful care package from her.  I was so teary and moved at the attention and intention she put into our family's well being.  I know there is a unique and spiritual process when the elixirs, oils and mists are created, which involves a gemstone for more healing properties.  I felt so deeply grateful that she had made each of us our own elixir.  She wrapped up the package with beautiful notes for each of us and chocolate to nourish.  It was one of the most amazing gifts I have ever received.

yummy care package from Katie (and some of the things i had already purchased)

Last week,  both Katie Hess and Lisa Reinhardt (CEO of Wei of Chocolate) were in town and were able to stop by our home for a few hours.  The serendipity of their coming was pretty amazing.  It was the morning after a bit of a rough and emotional night...without a wink of sleep.  Normally, I would pull back from anything social because when I am in a space where emotions are completely at the surface,  I tend to need at least a few days of solitude to get centered again.  Something told me not to pull back but to surrender and open my door, regardless if I wasn't in the best head space.  The fact that Katie said she wanted to "shower us with flower power" helped. ; )

The minute I opened my door I felt this calm wash over me.  Katie and Lisa gracefully slipped off their shoes and walked in my home.  I felt like the energy between our exchanges was an Om chant.  Just calm, whispery, we sat Indian style or lotus position on the floor and shared a bit about ourselves.  What moved me the most was Cedar's openness to them.  Katie slowly pulled out of her magical bag bottles of elixirs, mists and with flowers on them spread out, tiny cups for Cedar to play with...and Lisa handed us healing chocolates that melted on our tongue.  Cedar was drawn to certain flower cards and Katie would mist him with that particular flower essence and he would throw his head back with his eyes closed and fully RECEIVE it.  She rubbed oils on his skin and dropped elixirs on his tongue.

I told a friend the next day that I was awed by his 30 minutes or more of complete calm and sage wisdom with what was transpiring around him.  He seemed like an old he just got it.  He knew he was being drenched with essence that his body craved.  Essence from earth and he is an earth child.  Observing the sweet kindred connection between them melted my mama heart.

Later in the day I was to meet up with two visiting friends for my first girly date in long over a year. I wasn't sure when I woke up that morning if I was quite up for it...even though I ached to see them and have some much needed time away from home. I was THAT weary and self conscious about feeling raw. But, but...after a few hours of being in the presence of Katie and Lisa and my body soaking in the healing and my mind releasing the muck and opening up space for peace, I was so open and ready to love and be loved by my girlfriends. So that is PROOF, my friends. It works. My mood was enhanced ten fold and my friends who hung out with me that night can attest to it. I felt closer to the essence of me than I had in a very long time. They told me I smelled like a blossom. I sent them home for their drive back to LA with a chocolate they were drawn to. It was all just so magical and I have Katie and Lisa to thank for blessing me on a day that it was deeply needed.

And Cedar? After eating the Wei Relaxed piece of dark chocolate Lisa gave him right before his nap, I was concerned it might keep him up. It IS chocolate, right? I never give him chocolate. But Katie and Lisa reassured me that it is supposed to help him sleep. So, I surrendered and guess what? He had a three hour nap. Note to all mamas...feed your kids THIS chocolate!! ; )

showing up*

Here are two photos from said date with husband:

{him sober, me not...taken with iPhone4}

Bonus Cedar photo. Today he wanted two ponytails on his head. He got them. ; )

We also found him digging in my make-up bag yesterday and applying blush to his cheeks. And when we go to the toy store, the child size car he wants to sit on is the Barbie jeep. Awesome. ; ) He is madly in love with trains, planes and automobiles and loves to wrestle. I love and celebrate his balance of feminine and masculine energies. There are no boxes we will put him in as far as gender goes!

boho love wrap*

I have fed my family and friends this wrap every time I am with them.  I think during visits, they secretly wait for it.  ; )  I am passionate about nourishing the people I love in this way. causes a food orgasm.

Boho Love Wrap:

  • brown rice tortilla (warmed up in pan with olive oil to make bendable)
  • goat cheese
  • sliced persian cucumber
  • sliced avocado
  • shredded carrots
  • handful of herb salad
  • alfalfa sprouts
  • dash of sea salt
  • dash of pepper
  • roll up
  • cut in half
  • look at the pretty inside
  • close eyes, breathe deep and infuse with love


deeper breaths*

I was supposed to be in Arizona this week hanging with my dear Jess.  It was to be a gathering of souls that both of us have been longing for, needing, craving.  As I have shared a few posts ago, I have not been feeling well and am putting a lot of intention into healing what is coming up for me physically.  One thing I do know about myself is that when Cedar and I travel and stay in someone else's house, by the end of the trip, I tend to get sick.  Much of this has to do with lack of sleep and the stress of a toddler being out of routine.  As the trip to AZ approached, I had to make a difficult decision to stay home and take care of myself for the time being.  At least until we get the holes in our walls patched up and I begin to breathe in fresh air and fill up my veins with delicious oxygen.  That phone call with Jess was tear soaked for both of us but I am so grateful that she honored where I am at.

We still hadn't found the right folks to do the work on our home.  The night I had the talk with Jess, we went out to run errands.  Outside of our house there were these three gentleman chatting around a red truck. From a distance, Cedar said "helloooooo!' really loud.  Then he said "hello" again and again until the three gentleman realized he was yelling over towards them and they smiled and waved.  Cedar says hello to strangers quite often but this he had never done.  The longer we looked at the truck, we realized it was a construction truck and Boho Boy said..."I am going to go chat with them about the work we need done and see if they're available." Within a few minutes, they went into our home, checking out the walls and setting a time to do the job.  The serendipity of it all was amazing.  Part of me wonders if Cedar knew these were the guys that we needed.  Sometimes he is so connected to what we need in a cosmic way.  It gives me chills.

We were worried about the massive dust in our home while they were working on our walls this week, so Boho Boy set Cedar and me up in a motel by the beach, not far from where we live.  I know he felt badly that I had to postpone my time with Jess.  He knows how much I miss being with my girlfriends, skin to skin.  Its been over a year now of being away from my loves.  My heart was broken.  So, I think he was wanting this to be a healing retreat in more ways than one.

The sand is steps away from our room.  Cedar and I have spent the last few days outside covered in cold sand, laying on dewy grass, chasing waves and breathing in fresh ocean air.  I can feel my lungs expanding.  My energy feels so present and more clear.  We lean back and worship the sun by day and hold the moon by night.  There is no schedule where we are here and its been so dreamy.  Boho Boy comes at night for dinner and this weekend, has decided to prolong our stay so we can be here as a family.  We are all craving fresh air and the healing energy of the ocean.

In those moments when Cedar is building sand mountains or making art with rocks, I breathe in deep, looking at those precious waters and I connect to a deeper part of me that I have been missing.

And salty air makes for deeper sleep.

...and happy dreads.

Here are some images of our time so far...

maca root love*

I think I am going to do some vlogs for you this week. The writing is just not flowing from me these days. But I feel like chatting, so perhaps if I imagine that I am sitting in a room with all of you, sharing would come easier through that live medium.  I have gotten to the point with my vlogs that I completely forget I am chatting to a screen and I can almost feel the skin of our knees touching.

One thing I do want to share is that on top of ACV (with The Motha') every morning, I am drinking Maca smoothies in the early afternoon. I already notice a difference with both but I also know these things take time. I am patient.

My dear girlfriend the other day told me about Maca root  (she is my true blue sexy high heeled hippy friend with herbs and elixirs for healing that I go to and i love her for it).  She told me it would give me energy, strengthen my immune system, heighten my self love and spice up my sex life.  OKAY.  Sold!

Here is how I like it (my smoothies, not sex...):

  • Handful of frozen pineapple
  • Handful of frozen mango
  • Half an avocado
  • A few handfuls of fresh spinach
  • 1 tsp Maca powder
  • Half cup of vanilla rice milk
  • Splash of honey (or agave nectar)
  • {I sometimes add half a peeled pear or kiwi too}
  • Fill the rest of blender up with cold water...amount depending on how thick  or watery you like your smoothie

Cedar has to do the spinach part or it ruins his day.  He must stand on a stool and place the spinach leaves into the blender one by one.  I actually blend all the ingredients above first without the Maca so he can have his own smoothie and then with the rest, I put in my tsp of Maca just for me and blend again.  My sweet little one does NOT need any help for energy.  ; )  The Maca gives it a bit of a nutty taste.

It has become a ritual to sit and share our smoothies together, staring at one another and smiling as it travels through the straw and down into our tummies.